CONTENTS Shade & Ornamental Trees Flowering Shrubs Evergreens Fruit Trees Container Grown Trees/Shrubs |
Fall 1997-Spring 1998 Wholesale Catalog
Thank you for visiting our on-line catalog. Here you will find a
complete listing of all the plants we currently offer. Please note that
we may be able to furnish larger sizes on most shade & ornamental trees,
as well as other plants not lists. Please call for availability and a
price quote.
We require orders to be pre-paid or C.O.D. unless other arrangements are made.
We request our buyers to give definite instructions regarding the
method of shipment. If interested in truckload deliver, contact us
and we will make arrangements unless prevented by State or Federal
regulation law. We have access to local trailers for delivery service.
For information on rates, please email, phone, or fax. We will be happy
to have you call for your stock with your own truck. If you do not have
a closed truck, be sure to bring a tarpaulin. Please note that whatever
method of shipment is chosen, the buyer will assume all costs and will be
billed accordingly.
We do our very best to ship only top quality merchandise, but
please note that no claims for errors, shortages, damaged stock, etc.
will be considered unless made specifically by written notice and
postmarked within 10 days from the day that you receive the shipment.
We are not responsible under any conditions for the livability or merchantability
of plants that we ship.
Please note that all prices are for wholesale purchases and any orders
placed must be made in acceptable quantities. We reserve the right to
refuse any order deemed too small, although if you are planning to pick up
your own plants we will sell smaller quantities.
Thank you for considering John L Cartwright Nursery. Please let us know
if we can help you in any way!
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